Music and Media for Uplifting of Society towards Transformation & Tolerance
Music and Media is a unique universal language in the world. Music and Media is interwoven into absolutely every aspect of our lives and yet we can all be made more conscious of how it can bring benefits to us in ways we had never before imagined. A MUSTT is about demonstrating the power of Music and Media to the public at large and about awakening new fields of applications of music.
The A MUSTT Foundation is focused on the added value of Music and Media in society.
The A MUSTT Music and Media Foundation and EPSAM are currently the most extensive platforms of bringing awareness about the bridging of arts into other sectors of society. Many areas have been looked at in our research in order to prove that arts can mean so much more than merely being used as an entertainment tool, which is too often the case. One of our aims is to encourage the politicians to re-evaluate the roles and benefits of arts as necessary tools for our development as a human species.
Furthurmore our current core aims are to:
• Enhance people’s awareness about the transforming, communicative, educational and healing power of music.
• Create new products and services to help people to benefit from the huge potential of Music and Media in more areas of life and to encourage the integration of Music and Media into more fields of society such as science, politics, diplomacy, business and so on.
• Develop innovative, creative and self-development tools based on Music and Media to be used by the corporate and management sectors.
• Encourage musicians to participate and integrate more actively with Music and Media in society.
• Bring Music and Media to unusual and non-traditional places with internationally renowned and famous artists to perform in places in the world where Music and Media can be used as a tool for peace and conflict resolution.
A MUSTT - The Rendez-vous with Paradigm Shift Management (PSM)
The world is currently in the middle of a paradigm shift, as it was 500 years ago. A paradigm shift is a dramatic change of world view that gives new perspectives and helps to enter new markets, and deal in new ways with services that correspond to different needs of current and future customers. This shift is to do with thinking and acting “out of the box”.
Paradigm Shift Management moves attitudes from win-lose competition towards a win-win mode of operation, from fear-based thinking towards inclusive thinking.
The founder of A MUSTT, Milena Alexander, a multi-talented musician and writer went to some of the best business managers in the world. They managed large projects in different continents, dealt with waves of change-management initiatives, and were closely involved in cultural management, strategy, leadership issues and alternative economic models.
The synergetic result of this cooperation is a driving force behind Paradigm Shift Management (PSM).
A MUSTT is actively involved in the field of PSM and is one of the pioneering spirits in this PSM movement. The smartest innovation tool in life is to learn how to apply success formulae from other fields into your own sphere of influence. PSM is about re-inventing the industry and integrating traditionalist methods into innovative methods. In the emerging reality Music and Media has a leading innovation role. The potential of such a Music and Media industry with real innovative management in tune with the ‘Zeitgeist’ is just awesome.
A MUSTT Educational Projects
The creation of new educational/training tools and presents them in the forms of workshops/training, books, video materials and master classes.
The development of a new educational and thinking system which will result in schools for non-privileged multitalented youngsters in order to give them a supportive infrastructure, facilities and training for their further development.
As an international organisation we would like to establish the schools in places where it is needed most - Bulgaria being our first project. The school seeks to be a “School of the Future translated into the Present” and in which multi-talent development is the common and central theme.